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About Cleaning Consultant Services, Inc.

In 1973, Bill Griffin started Cleaning Consultant Services, Inc. to market his first book, a training manual for professional cleaners. Since that time he has written numerous books, including How To Start and Operate A Successful Service Business, a 300 page manual that examines supervision, management, and over 20 different service businesses that can be started with limited capital.

Cleaning Consultant Services, Inc. has grown over the last 30 years. We now publish over 100 books on subjects such as floor care, carpet care, self-employment, window washing, custodial training and many other areas related to the cleaning industry. Some of our titles include Everything you need to know to start a house cleaning service, How to sell and price contract cleaning,The comprehensive custodial training manual and Even if you think it's clean, it's not. Cleaning consultants also publishes a quarterly publication called Cleaning Business and is targeted at small businesses and cleaning professionals.

While publishing is a large part of what we do, it is not the only thing. Cleaning Consultant Services, Inc. is also a full service consulting firm. Mr. Griffin, with his years of experience, has consulted to such companies as Boeing, Microsoft, South Seattle Community College, Evergreen Hospital Medical Center, University of Washington Hospital, and many more. Mr. Griffin's advice and services has save large companies thousands of dollars on thier cleaning and maintenance departments and has help launch many new small cleaning businesses. Cleaning Consultants also makes its consulting services available to the smaller businesses in the form of phone consultations. For a small fee, anyone can call up and speak with Mr. Griffin about any questions on cleaning, small businesses or just to get his advice.

While there are many different sevices and products that we can provide, Cleaning Consultants' focus is on information. We spend all our time collecting, editing, writing and distibuting information about the cleaning industry. CCS uses its three websites: cleaningconsultants.com, cleaningpublisher.com and cleaningbusiness.com to get information to the people who are looking for it.

CleaningPublisher.com is where we present all our books, videos, reports and other publications. We are working on making this sight the main information resource for the cleaning industry. If you are looking for information, books, reports, software, videos or audio tapes on any type of cleaning or small business opportunity, cleaning publisher .com is where you will find it. If we don't have it, we can find it. Let us know how we can help you. A free printed catalog with over 350 items is also available.

CleaningConsultants.com is where our information on seminars, consulting, presentations and everything you could ever want to know about Mr. Griffin can be found.

Cleaningbusiness.com is where you will find our quarterly publication along with the archives for the articles that Mr. Griffin has written for many other trade publications.
